Ludo Maha Muqabla: Terms & Conditions


  1. Contest Name: This Contest is a limited period contest to be held for a period of as intimated to the User on the Zupee application, from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the “Contest”).

  2. Rules of the Contest: As specified under Ludo Supreme League and rules/terms specified on the Zupee application.

  3. The Company reserves the right to extend, cancel, discontinue, prematurely withdraw, change, alter, suspend or modify this Contest or any part thereof, including but not limiting to the Contest Period, eligibility and participation criteria, etc. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Users to check the rules and regulations of the Contest on the Company’s website.

  4. You agree and acknowledge that you have completely read and understood these terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Contest T&C“), Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “User Terms”), incorporated herein by reference, as amended from time to time. You agree, covenant, and undertake to be bound by the User Terms and all other rules, regulations, and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Company in relation to the Contest.


  1. During the Contest Period, winner(s) on the basis of valid participation as per the User Terms, shall be eligible to win the following Prize(s):

    Prizes for each tournament during the Contest Period

    Rank 1stiPHONE 15
    Rank 2nd onwardsCash Rewards

  2. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change/ cancel/ delay the Prize(s) at any time without liability. In the event of Contest cancellation, User(s) shall not be eligible for any Prizes or rewards. User(s) acknowledge and agree that the Company shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, or expenses incurred as a result of cancellation, change or delay.

  3. The Prize(s)/rewards cannot be transferred, negotiated, refunded, or exchanged and only the winner(s), shall be entitled to claim the Prize/rewards and no other person or agent is authorized to claim the Prize/rewards on the winner’s behalf.

  4. Winners will be selected from the pool of valid entries. The Users with the highest scores will be the winner in accordance with the User Terms.

  5. The User(s) acknowledges not to raise any claim or complaint against the Company due to technical failure or any other causes beyond the control of the Company.

  6. Upon receiving the Prizes in kind, the winner(s) shall not be eligible to replace the same.

  7. The decision of the Company with respect to the awarding of Prizes shall be final and binding.

  8. The Prizes shall be provided to the winners on an “as-is basis” and without any warranty or guarantee concerning the quality, suitability, merchantability or comfort, and Company and/or its associates, affiliates and/ or its management, directors, officers, agents, representatives shall not be responsible for or liable (including but not limited to the product and service liabilities) for deficiencies, shortcomings, faults, inadequacy, insufficiencies, accidents/injury, harm and/ or defects of any product/service and/or the Prize or for any kind of consequential damages/ loss, in any manner whatsoever. The guarantee and warranty of the Prizes shall be transferred to the winners as received from the builder/manufacturer/distributor/retailer/procurement agency.

  9. If any User has any grievance with respect to the Prize in kind, he/she may directly contact the builder/manufacturer/distributor/retailer/procurement agency. The Company shall not be responsible for resolving any issues in respect of non-delivery, deficiency, shortcomings, faults, inadequacy, insufficiencies and/ or defects in any way.

  10. The winner(s) will not be entitled to exchange, assign, or request any changes in the Prizes offered.

  11. The Company may, at its sole and absolute discretion, vary or modify the Prizes being offered to the winners. Users shall not raise any claim against the Company or question its right to modify, vary or delay such prizes being offered for the Contest.

  12. No Prize will be awarded if the information furnished by the User(s) at the time of entering the Contest, or at any subsequent stage is factually incorrect.

  13. In the event of death of the winner, no claim from the nominee or his/her legal heirs shall be entertained for receiving the Prizes. However, the Company shall have the right to call for such documentary evidence before handing over the prize to the legal heirs/successors.

  14. No request for upgrade or change in make, model, color, specifications etc. or any other features of the Prize(s) shall be entertained.

  15. The image of the Prize depicted on the press ads/posters/TVC’s/digital ads/videos/ promotional materials/advertisements or any other depictions made etc. are for illustrative purposes only and the actual Prize(s) may vary from the depiction made.

  16. It is to be noted that in the event the winner does not take the Prize in the time and manner stipulated herein, then the Prize shall be forfeited by the Company and cash or any monetary benefits in kind shall not be awarded in lieu of such Prize in kind.

  17. User(s) agree that the Company shall not be liable for any claims, costs, injuries, losses, harm or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contest, Prizes (in kind) or with the acceptance, possession, or use of any prize(s).

  18. Company reserves the right to vary and disburse the Prizes in form of cash instead of the Prize specified in kind in the User Terms.

  19. The Prizes are subject to availability and can be altered or modified at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company. In case of unavailability of the Prizes, the Company reserves the right to disburse the Prizes in cash.

  20. In case of a tie between the winners, the monetary value of Prizes will be clubbed and accordingly split based on the number of winners. In such cases, the Prizes in kind shall not be awarded and the winners will only be entitled to cash rewards post splitting. Further, the monetary value of such clubbed Prize(s) will be determined in sole and absolute discretion of the Company.

  21. In order to claim the Prize(s), winners must submit all relevant details/documents for review, as required by the Company.

  22. Winners are required to claim the Prize(s) within a period of 2 (two) days from the date of declaration of the winners by the Company. In case the winner fails to claim the prize(s) or fails to furnish the details/documents on or before the time period communicated by the Company or declines to accept delivery of the Prize(s), the Company shall be entitled to forfeit the Prize.

  23. Company reserves the right to reward cash in lieu of Prizes in kind, in its sole and absolute discretion.

  24. The provision of Prizes in kind, is subject to the availability of such Prizes within the procurement agency of the Company. The determination of the delivery and procurement location for the Prizes shall be at the sole discretion of the Company.

  25. Prizes in kind will be made available only after the User furnishes the correct details/documents as required by the Company.

  26. The timelines for delivery of the Prizes shall be subject to availability and the said timelines can be extended as per the sole discretion of the Company.

  27. Users can request the Company to provide cash rewards in lieu of the Prizes in kind and such requests will be deemed as final and binding on the User. No kind Prizes will be provided in cases where cash rewards have been requested or sought by the User.

  28. The Prize(s) to the winners shall be given subject to compliance with all applicable laws, processes, or formalities in connection with the Prize(s) and on production of all such documents/papers as may be required by the Company before accepting the delivery of the Prize(s). Any failure or breach on the part of the winners/User to comply with directions issued by the Company, for claiming of Prize shall entitle the Company to forfeit the Prize(s) at the sole discretion of the Company.

  29. Upon confirmation of the User to avail the Prize(s) in kind, User will not be able to modify, alter or withdraw such request, and shall be obligated to accept the said Prize(s).

  30. The delivery of the Prize(s) is contingent upon the winners providing accurate address details and their availability at the specified location. If, for reasons beyond the control of the Company, the prize(s) cannot be delivered within the designated timeframe, the winners will be required to collect the Prize(s) from a nearby location specified by the Company. However, any expenses incurred in this process, including travel, accommodation, collection of Prizes or other related costs, shall be solely borne by the winners.

  31. The Company reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or lesser value at its sole discretion, in lieu of the prizes mentioned in the terms and conditions. The alternate prize(s) provided by the Company may differ in terms of model, brand, color, make, build, or any other features/specifications, and the Company’s decision regarding these aspects will be final and binding.

  32. The Company, its clients, agents, and distributors cannot replace any lost, stolen, or damaged Prize(s) and reserve the right to withdraw or amend any details and/or prices without notice.

  33. The winners will be subjected to KYC verification before handing over the Prize(s).


C.1. Invoices or other documentation like warranty card, user manual etc.

  1. Where required due to administrative convenience, invoices and other documentation related to Prizes sought to be distributed shall be in the name of the winner.

C.2. Requirement to deduct taxes on Prizes sought to be distributed to winners.

  1. As per the applicable taxation laws, appropriate taxes are required to be deducted (also referred to as ‘TDS’) by the Company at the time of distribution of Prizes in cash or in kind.

    1. Cash Rewards: In case the user will opt to obtain cash reward, the applicable TDS provisions are provided as detailed in the Terms and Conditions.
    2. Kind Rewards (iPhone 15): In case the user opts for Prizes in kind, the TDS on Prizes in kind shall be borne by the Company.


  1. Acceptance of Prize(s) by the winner, constitutes permission for Company and its affiliates to use the winner’s name, likeness, image, voice, photo, audio-visual, videos, recordings, audio tapes. digital images and the like and comments for advertising and promotional purposes in any media worldwide for purposes of advertising and trade without any further permissions or consents and/or additional compensation whatsoever. The winners further undertake that they will be available for promotional purposes as planned and desired by the Company without any charge. Promotional activities may include but not be limited to press events, internal meetings, social media, and ceremonies/functions.


  1. The Company reserves the right to cancel or terminate the Contest at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Successfully entering the Contest and winning a Prize is subject to all requirements set forth herein or communication at the time of the registration for the Contest

  2. The Company or its affiliates, cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury suffered by any User entering the Contest or as a result of participating in the Contest or accepting any Prize.

  3. If a User is dissatisfied with the Contest or the Contest rules and/or any content or any requirements of the Contest form, the materials available related thereto, or with the User Terms, his/her sole and exclusive remedy is to not participate in the Contest.

  4. The Company, its clients, agents, and distributors accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise for the misuse of the Prize(s)and are not liable for any personal loss or injury and cannot be held responsible for any disagreement concerning quality/ availability of the Prize(s).

  5. This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and various other statutes. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.